Superstars to Consider Adding

What we did here today was compile a short piece on the potential value of some current FWF Free Agents. We are looking at some Free Agents who just may be worth a pickup on your main roster! They may not be impact players right off the bat, but they are worth a look.

Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins –> While they are not “must adds,” they should strongly be considered in the near future. Seemingly on the better end of a push this time around, Hawkins & Reks are presumably going to be a force int he tag team division for at least the next several months. They will likely get jobber points for the time being, but may be a worthy investment.

Aksana –> The on air boyfriend of the new United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro will now likely see airtime on a weekly basis in some capacity. Now as a manager, Aksana is a personality you may really want to consider on your team if you need a personality. She will interfere with matches, cut horrendous promos, and have an appearance on either Raw, Smackdown, or Superstars. With a lacking department of managers out there, Aksana is someone you may really reap the benefits of having for the near future.

Primo & Epico –> I’d be cautious with Primo and Epico, but they make a good addition if you really need someone who can at least get some wins. Now a babyface tag team, Primo and Epico seemingly win more matches than they lose, which automatically is a fantasy asset. However, they are not consistent winners. You may want to consider adding them if you have a struggling team, but don’t throw away any real value for either guy. Nonetheless, they are at least worth a look if needed on your fantasy roster.


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