The Power 10 (June 30th, 2012)

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the weekly Fantasy Wrestling Federation Power Rankings of the week! Each Saturday afternoon, I, DJ Rallo will be posting the top ten Superstars, Divas, and on air personalities of the past week! This week’s posting is the first of Season 1, which is no officially underway. Power Rankings are based on the following criteria:

  1. Impact made in the prior week
  2. Amount of wins accumulated in the prior week
  3. Current winning streaks
  4. Appearances and interferences from personalities

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Fantasy Input: Who’s Rising? Who’s Falling? (June 30th)

Welcome to another new feature to Fantasy Wrestling Federation, brought by DJ Rallo. What is Fantasy Input, well it’s fantasy advice for the upcoming week for your fantasy rosters.  This will be a bi-weekly feature that I will write about the hottest names and the coldest names in professional wrestling today.

Who should you add to your rosters? Who’s a buy low or sell high candidate for your roster? Who just isn’t worth putting up with on your roster? These questions will be answered this week. Without further ado, here is the provided fantasy advice that will be put up in the inaugural edition! Enjoy!

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Taeler Hendrix wins Gut Check; Added to Free Agent Pool

As of TNA’s latest Gut Check segment, Taeler Hendrix has now been added to the TNA Impact roster. As a result, she is now available in the FWF Free Agent Pool. Hendrix is coming off a loss to Tara in her tryout match in the latest Open Fight Night. Hendrix is a Massachusetts native and has worked in TNA’s developmental territory, OVW. Unless there are any problems with her contract or if she is going back to OVW for further seasoning before debuting, she should be a part of the Impact roster starting next week.

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WWE Releases Maxine: Fantasy Impact

According to several wrestling news outlets as well as Maxine’s official Twitter account, @MaxineWWE (likely to change soon), she is parting ways with the company due to frustrations of not being featured in a more prominent way besides NXT. Due to NXT changing to focus more on the FCW talent, it left Maxine with little left as that was where she primarily was featured.

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Welcome to the Fantasy Wrestling Federation!

Fantasy Wrestling Federation is a one of a kind website that is dedicated to an accurate, efficient, and consistent style of Professional Wrestling fantasy.Our goal is to provide die hard wrestling fans the same opportunity that other sports fans have all over the internet; a platform for which provides a quality fantasy program for Pro Wrestling!

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